Safety Belts Decrease Collision Related Deaths & Injuries

Although the use of seat belts has become an evident safety precaution drilled into the heads of drivers from the day they were allowed to drive, some people still do not utilize them. They either do not know of the statistics proving the effectiveness of seat belts, or they know of them but foolishly refrain from wearing them anyway. The national usage rate of seat belts is 90.1 percent, which means that a staggering 27.5 million people still refuse to buckle up.

Statists certainly do show the overwhelming benefits of wearing a seat belt when driving or occupying a vehicle. In 1984, the United States performed an experiment where a variety of seat belt types were used alone as well as in combination with airbags. There was a large reduction in fatality for front seat passengers, coming in at a 20% to 55% reduction. From 25% to 60%, the reduction of major injuries was large as well. In 2016, the use of seat belts in passenger vehicles saved approximately 14,668 lives in that year alone!

More recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come up with a summarizing statement. They have compiled the available data on seat belts and have concluded that safety belts decrease collision related deaths and injuries by about fifty percent!

The seat belt malfunctions that have occurred in some instances are mostly due to too much slack being found in the seat belt in the moment of the accident. Of course, to prevent any injury or death, seat belt replacement or repair is necessary in such cases. The company Safety Restore allows its customers to refrain from getting an entirely new seat belt replacement. Instead, they have their customers send in their existing belts for repair. Seat belt replacement at the dealer comes in at hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. To get a seat belt repaired at Safety Restore, however, one would only have to pay $64.99-$114.99 for a belt repair. Quality and safety are guaranteed, and customers are left with safety belts restored to factory condition!

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