Do I need a Seat Belt Replacement?

Seat belt replacement is an issue that you may stumble into after years of driving your car. Your seat belt webbing may become frayed, cut, torn, worn out, or even chewed through by a pet. It is great to know of a company that can repair them for you so that you can get them... Continue Reading →

Need Seat Belt Repair After Accident?

Need a seat belt repair after accident? There is always the dealer, who can obviously do the repair for you. However, going to a dealer means you'd be spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars more. When it comes to small businesses, there are many but Seat Belt Restore is the best of them. With... Continue Reading →

Classic Car Seat Belt Webbing Repair

Ford cars are as American as apple pie. As many successful American companies, Ford was technically founded in Henry Ford’s workshop at his home in Detroit, Michigan. In 1896, Henry Ford put together his first experimental vehicle there, and In 1903, Henry Ford was joined by eleven other investors to begin Ford Motor Company. Today,... Continue Reading →

How Soon to Replace Seat Belt Webbing

What is Seat Belt Webbing? Webbing is fabric that is woven strongly as flat strips and often uses fibres instead of rope. The most commonly used materials for making seat belt webbings are Nylon and Polyester. This is because they are capable of withstanding high temperatures and  have a high breaking strength. Why is Seat... Continue Reading →

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